I’ve just run into a huge issue with Microsoft Visio 2019 Professional: whenever I try to create a document, any document, and then I try to save it or click on the File menu item, Visio completely locks up and goes into not responding mode. Another thing I noticed about Office 2021 was that Outlook refused to open completely. I tried clicking on it, opening it from the start menu, but nothing happened whatsoever. Today it finally got working, but the icon for Outlook was just a blank white document. I’m wondering if this is related in any way to Visio’s issue. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? The Visio issue is completely impeding productivity on the Visio front.
UPDATE: For some reason, Visio suddenly started working again. I am now able to save files and click on the File menu item. I didn’t do anything at all to Visio, so that’s certainly very strange. The Outlook problem, however, has not yet been fixed.