You can see the new-fangled i9-9900KS looks stylish on the outside. But is it worth the price on the inside?
Intel’s top-of-the-line processor: The i9-9900KS. Unlocked and everything. But, is it worth it? Intel might be overdoing it by just a little bit.
The Intel Core i7 is already pretty expensive, but most laptops have it. MSI’s dominator series have i7-7500s in them. Maybe that’s why they’re so expensive! The most affordable Intel Core processor that has a decent speed is the i5. The i5 is found most commonly in an everyday desktop computer, such as the Dell Dimension and the Dell Optiplex. The i5-3570K is a great mid-range processor with a clock rate of 3.40 GHz. You don’t want your clock rate to be too low, otherwise you’re going to end up with a slow processor that can barely do anything. But you don’t want a processor with a 5 or 6 GHz clock rate, because that’s going to overheat.
Sad to say, Intel kind of overdid it with the i9-9900KS. With a clock speed of nearly 6 GHz, it can get overheated pretty quickly. I get it, Intel, but you just can’t go ripping it out with 6 GHz, otherwise you’re going to have to charge a lot for it and your customers aren’t going to like it. That’s why we ask: Is it worth it? And I have to admit that it’s not worth it.
I cannot believe how expensive this thing is. It’s over $500!!!
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